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Tag: Short Sale

  • Tax and Credit Implications of the Short Sale

    Is this really the ultra-savvy financial move it is made out to be, or are real estate agents and foreclosure rescue firms glossing over the ugly tax and credit implications of a short sale? Why Care About My Credit if I Already Have Late Payments? If you have already taken some hits to your credit…

  • How to Buy a Short Sale Home

    What ever happened to the days when a homeowner who just wanted to sell his home found a willing buyer and, after several negotiations, the home sold? The economy, silly. The real estate market’s tumble into the ashes flooded the market with “distressed properties” – a sweet euphemism for homes that the owners could no…

  • A Short Sale Real Estate Primer

    Back in real estate’s dinosaur days, the short sale specialist was a rarity. I worked with a total of one of these specialists in the entire decade and a half that I sold real estate. I, like many of his other colleagues, didn’t quite understand his specialty – how the process worked. Lucky for the…